Authorities from the Universidad del Bío Bío met with representatives of the Chilean Association of Medical Schools (Asofamech) to present the project of the health pole and the new career of medicine at UBB’s Chilen campus.
The health column coordinator, Dr. Monica Cardona, was responsible for the presentation of the project, while the technical-academic adviser of the medical career, Dr. Roxana Buscaglione, gave the details of the career. The presentation of the clinical areas was made by the coordinator, Mg. Álvaro Silva, and the presentation of the construction design by the project manager, Patricia Soto.
At the meeting, the UBB community emphasized the importance of the project due to its regional and national contribution and its connection with government projects such as the new Ñuble Regional Hospital.
The rector of UBB, Dr. Benito Umena, thanked the dean for their visit and the inter-university collaboration. “For us it is very important to have an external view of this important institutional project which is the health center. We were visited by two outstanding doctors with a long history, deans of regional universities to whom we are grateful for their cooperation and state vision. This will help us look at the project from the outside and thus improve gaps in advance.”
For his part, the President of the Association of Medical Schools of Chile and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valparaiso, Dr. Antonio Orlena, gave his impression of the project and appreciated the joint work that the UBB carried out with it. External services.
“The idea is fantastic. It’s amazing how they managed to unite all the forces of a region, of a territory, to do such work with this project of the health pole. In addition, it opened the possibility to create the medical school since the most basic things are at the service of this university education. This dream they have is undoubtedly important and achievable,” said Dr. Orlena.
Likewise, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de la Frontera, Dr. Wilfried Diener, emphasized that: “The support networks that have managed to form between the health service, the municipalities and the university look very interesting, then. Not to be broken, I think they have pure guarantees of success.”
During the activity, the deans learned about the medical curriculum. “It is without a doubt very modern for medical training with 7 years distributed perfectly,” noted the president of Assufmach