The Criminal Investigation Division (Brickers) of the Investigating Police He broke up three family clans on Sunday morning Dedicated to marketing and collecting medicines in small quantities in the population The pinkiein the commune of Huechuraba.
It was a “disturbance to the amount of 13 addresses Under investigation for the crime of micro-drug trafficking, based on complaints lodged through the Safe Complaint Scheme, those who reported three family clans operating in Hochurba,” explained Sub-Inspector of Criminal Investigation Division (Bicrim) Makunchali. , Maria Jose Hidalgo.
Regarding the procedure, the police official revealed that seizure of 705 grams of hashish, 40 grams of cocaine hydrochloride and elements to measure this drug, In addition to cash, cell phones and “three pistol-type weapons, apparently firearms, which were used to scare neighbors.”
He also emphasized that “after receiving the results, information was received from the community regarding additional addresses related to drug collection, data that, when confirmed by the investigation team in coordination with the public office, received judicial approval for the value as well as an inspection of two additional properties.”
The six arrested were formally charged with traffic offenses, leaving four of them in preventive detention.
An investigation period of 120 days was set for this case.